Stanley Sport Aviation (CCW4) - (N45.06.02 W63.55.14)
Stanley is located approximately 15 kilometers East of Windsor, Nova Scotia on Highway 236. For several years the airport was abandoned. Around 1968 the Dartmouth Aircraft Association moved to Stanley. The founding members built several hangars to store their aircraft and did upkeep on the runways to make them useable. The membership raises money for maintenance, taxes, insurance, etc. by holding fundraising activities such as our annual fly-in breakfast on Victoria Day weekend, and our Annual Stanley Fly-In held every Labour Day weekend.
This particular fly-in is the longest standing and largest of its kind in Canada. Several aircraft from across Canada and the eastern United States enjoy our fly-in. All registered aircraft get judged for several categories, such as best homebuilt, best antique, best production model, etc. The official start of the Fly-in start Friday evening, we have a complementary corn boil and entertainment lined up, usually a local band. Music, great friends, food and a bonfire to set the mood. there has been dancing witnessed as well. Saturday there are scheduled forums on aviation topics for interested pilots, maintenance, reconstruction, historical interests, etc. There are also kid friendly activities including the popular candy drop and numerous hayrides around the historical Airport. Over the last few years, the Air Cadet League has brought a glider and tow plane to our airport and offered free rides to the general public, depending on weather. On Saturday evening we hold our auction which is the primary fundraiser for our club. All items are kindly donated by our membership, friends, guests, and sponsors. The bidding is fierce with friendly competition. Sunday afternoon is our awards banquet, where we have our "wind up" for the fly-in.
SSA plans several fly-outs to other airports around the Maritimes, supporting other flying clubs and enjoying the camaraderie and hospitality of other flying clubs.